G&M Records

G&M Records is our music production service and is dedicated to helping new artists develop their skills by working through all phases of music production from mixing down to mastering sound waves. Whether it's finding inspiration within yourself or collaborating with outside influences like producers and vocalists, our commitment is to help make your voice heard around the world. This page contains music samples only. To purchase music, please go to the Merchandise page.

Title of Album: It's My Time Now Classics

Artist Name: Charlene Puryear

Preview Music

  Track 1 - It's My Time Now
  Track 2 - Be Still
  Track 3 -  Your Power Reigns
  Track 4 - Thank You Lord
  Track 5 - Hold On
  Track 6 - Right or Wrong
  Track 7 - Be Stive (Live Version)
  Track 8 - He Deserves


Album available for purchase and download

Artist Name: Yolanda HIll

Preview Music

  He Broke the Chains
  Spoken War Stories


Album available for purchase and download

Ready to find out more?

Drop us a line today to discuss your project!